Nha San Collective - Tuan Mami

Tuan Mami (born 1981, Hanoi) graduated from Hanoi Fine Art University in 2006. Other than being as a creator, he has founded MAC-Hanoi, a Mobile Art Center (2012); Being Co-founder and creative manager of Nha San Collective Art Space in Hanoi since 2013; and Visiting Faculty at San Francisco Art Institute in 2013. Aptly nicknamed Mami, a playful slang word for hustler, Mami is constantly exploring new mediums and methods of expression. Tuan Mami burst into the international art scene for his daring, and increasingly meditative experimentations with installation, video, performance and conceptual art. In recent years he has begun explorations of interdisciplinary body of work in both private and public places. His works often base on site-specific and re-constructional concept to deal with questions about life, meaning and social interactions between people which re-construct situation into one that engage people or objects from particular reality to enter and involve with the artist in a social process.
Personal website: tuanmami.com