As Nha San is entirely volunteer-run, we rely on the generous support from individuals, businesses and organizations to continue operating one of Vietnam’s most vital contemporary art spaces.
We are currently seeking financial support to implement our up-coming 2016-2017 plans of activities. Please get in touch to see how you can become a patron to our exhibitions, a supporter of on-going and future projects and programs, or to simply make a contribution towards our daily operation as one of Vietnam’s most active experimental contemporary art spaces. Your continuing support is what keeps us going!!!
Email our manager Thao Nguyen or our donation cordinator Gabby Quỳnh Anh Miller for more information of how to get involved.
Gabby Quỳnh Anh Miller
Thao Nguyen
Warmest thanks to friends of Nha San Collective:
Ngô Bảo Châu
Bùi Kim Đĩnh
Phạm Việt Thanh
Nhu Miller
Tom Miller
Lê Thiêt Cương
Peter Maslow
Del Valle Cortizas Diego
Laura Fontan Pardo
Minh Do
Lê Cát Trọng Lý
Donate via PayPal
Nha San Collective is proud to be working with our partners:

Nha San Collective is honored to receive on-going support from:

Nha San Collective is thankful to our past supporters: