Nha San Collective - Phuong Linh on The Seen Journal
16 Jul 2019
Nha San Artist Phuong Linh and Tuan Mami’s appearance at District Berlin with Trung Mu - White Mist in Foreign Country curtained on June 2 2019. The exhibition was curated by Suza Husse.
Julianne Cordray wrote about the show, published on The Seen Journal.
You can read the article at http://theseenjournal.org/art-seen-international/trung-mu-white-mist/
‘In this space, hands, whether human or artificial, materialize the presence of otherwise barely visible, or wholly invisible, bodies—particularly those engaged in service work. The repetitive image, in deliberately posed gestures, articulates and solidifies the body’s tactility. Its omnipresence also comes to invoke the so-called “invisible hand” of capitalism—or the capital machine itself—as the system in which the nail industry, its materials and power structures, is embedded’.